Important Message To Our Customers About Coronavirus
We understand the significant impact that the coronavirus pandemic is having on many of our small business clients including our own. This is an unprecedented situation, and we want to help those who have been impacted by this health crisis.
Please know that we are fully operational with our entire staff working from home.
We will continue to devote all of our resources to help ensure your marketing and IT services continue without interruption.
How We Utilize Technology During This Time:
As you are already aware, we regularly meet in person or conduct conference calls to discuss your marketing campaign along with any consulting on any new business opportunities that may arise when it comes to digital marketing.
Due to the current situation, we are leveraging technology to make sure there are no lapses in communication. That means we are now conducting video chats, screen sharing and allowing you to schedule time on our calendar when it’s most convenient for you via scheduling app. In today’s day and age it is of the utmost importance to be flexible and have an open line of communication with our clients and we hope all of you take advantage of this opportunity.
How Your Business Can Utilize Technology During This Time:
We understand we are all in a new, unique, challenging situation, for some , a situation that we may have not been prepared for. Having to work from home when you are used to being at the office can cause further disruption in your business if you are not adequately prepared. It can also be overwhelming when you also need to keep track of your employees. Here is a list of tips you can use to help manage your work from home routine.
1. Cloud document tools
Most people know about Gmail, but are you familiar with Google Suite? Think Microsoft Office but better. Create documents, spreadsheets, slide presentations and save it all to the cloud and access it from your laptop, phone or tablet.
2. Video conferencing
There are plenty of providers to choose from, but one you may have heard alot about lately is Zoom video. Zoom is a very flexible and robust software but if you need something simple to communicate, Skype, Facetime and Facebook video calls may suffice.
3. Chat tools
Whether it is getting updates from your team or sharing files, Slack is a popular tool to help you and your team work more efficiently. Other simpler alternatives include Facebook Messenger or Google Chat
4. Internet
Things have changed over the last few years where we are using more connected devices at home more than ever. Think about your laptop, tablet, gaming console, Alexa, TV, not to mention the other countless devices your family uses. You have to make sure your internet speed is up to par to handle the additional bandwidth you may be using during this time you are working from home. Talk to your internet service provider and see if you may need to upgrade your internet plan.
Helpful Resource Links To Help You Apply For Loans For Your Business:
We understand that these are difficult times for all of us and we want you to know that we are here to help. Some of this information you may already be aware of and some of it may be brand new to you. As new information becomes available we will try to pass it on. We are all in this together so we’d like to share to hopefully help you and your business.
#1. Granting Low-Interest Loans to Cover Payroll, Rent, and Other Necessities
The Paycheck Protection Program provides Small Business Administration (SBA) loans to small businesses under 500 employees. This program includes nonprofit organizations that are organized as a 501(c)(3) and 501(c)(19).
SBA loans from the Paycheck Protection Program are available through approved banks, credit unions and some non-bank lenders and can be used for payroll costs, interest, rent and utilities. The loans require no personal guarantee or collateral and principal, while interest is capped and fees are deferred for 6 months.
Click here to apply for a loan through the Paycheck Protection Program.
#2. Offering Forgiveness for Employers Who Meet Specific Criteria
Under Section 1106 of the CARES act, these SBA loans are eligible for forgiveness for employers that maintain employment (or at least 90% of employment) at full compensation between March 1 and June 30th. These loan forgiveness rules also apply to many nonprofit organizations.
The US Chamber of Commerce has produced a great summary on the Paycheck Protection Program. For more information on Paycheck Protection Act (PPA) and SBA loans, and loan forgiveness eligibility, contact your nonprofit’s bank or financial institution.
#3. Providing Loans with Emergency Funding
Section 1110 of the CARES Act provides Economic Injury Disaster Loans, also without collateral or personal guarantee requirements and includes the ability to receive a $10,000 emergency advance within three days of applying. Emergency advance funds can be used for payroll costs, rent/mortgage payments, or increased material costs. If the application is denied, the applicant is not required to repay the $10,000 advance.
Click here to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan.
#4. Local Grants for Montgomery County Businesses
Recognizing the need to provide support to strengthen our local businesses and communities, Montgomery County is providing $1 million in economic development funds to provide grants to eligible small businesses. Administered in partnership with the Redevelopment Authority of Montgomery County with the Montgomery County Commerce Department, eligible applicants may apply for up to $25,000.
Click here to apply for Montgomery County Small Business Grant Program.
We understand that this may be a difficult time for you, your families and your employees but we know we’ll get through it together.